debt instrument
- 债务工具;债务证券;债务凭证;债务票据(证券)

It also means creating a debt instrument that investors can believe in .
The issuance of a common debt instrument would require such fiscal integration , ostensibly extinguishing the core problem .
Multilateral agency debt instrument
Bullet bond a regular coupon paying debt instrument with a single repayment of principal on the maturity date .
Sep11th2008 From The Economist print edition An ancient debt instrument may help America after Fannie and Freddie .
The central bank bill is a short-term debt instrument issued by central bank which purposes to regulate the commercial banks ' excess reserves .
The state deal could be used as a template for creating a fiscal union and a common European debt instrument , known as a Eurobond .
Dual Currency Bonds : A dual currency bond is a debt instrument that has coupons denominated in a different currency than its principal amount .
At its most simplistic level , asset securitization is the issuance of a debt instrument backed by a revenue-producing asset of the issuing company .
I see the three following scenarios as the most plausible outcomes : a political union with a joint debt instrument ; the status quo enforced by eternal austerity ; or a break-up .
Face value : The value on the face of certificate conferring possession of a bond , note or other instrument , and in the case of debt instrument , the amount to be redeemed at maturity .
As a debt instrument , subordinated bond not only provides banking organizations with internal incentives to refrain from augmenting their risk , but also imposes additionnal ( incentives ) through participants and supervisors .
True , the two deals are miles apart structurally : while Anglo 's is a senior debt instrument , with a five-year maturity , Rio 's is subordinated , with an equity-like 60 years .
The guarantor shall be any person other than the one already liable for the bill . The interest rate on a debt instrument expressed in terms of a percent on an annualized basis that the issuer guarantees to pay the holder until maturity .
A Study on the Enterprises of Our Country Using Debt Financing Instrument & An Empirical Analysis Based on Questionnaire Data
The increasing trend of foreign currency assets determines the continuance of Central Bank Bill as debt replacement instrument .
Unlike the former view that the character of Central Bank Bill is bond issued by Central Bank , this paper afresh explains its character from debt replacement instrument .